Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Nashville, TN to Shawnee, OK

Greetings from Ooooooooo-klahoma. We drove 11 hours and stopped in Shawnee, 30 miles outside Oklahoma City. Not too much to report today, since we spent most of the day driving through boring-ass Arkansas. Driving through Memphis and West Memphis was annoying -- lots of tractor trailers changing lanes repeatedly for no reason with no blinkers, etc -- and as a former Bostonian, I'm pretty used to annoying driving. It takes a lot to piss me off. This was the worst part of our trip yet, made even worse by the lack of Chick-fil-as on today's leg of the Big Adventure. BUT today was a great day for roadkill:

Momma Rigaz's Roadkill Report
4 deer
4 armadillos (yes I said armadillos - cool, huh? - W.R.)
1 badger?
6 hawks
5 possums, or as they're known in Arkansas, "good eatin'"
3 turkeys
3 cows that were tipped, dead, or birthing baby cows

We both have stomachaches and swollen hands and feet, the culprit most likely being excessive sodium intake from the road diet. We had catfish, hush puppies, and other fried things for lunch and everyone said "y'all." Then we went to a terrible steakhouse that can't cook steak and put a stick of butter on almost everything. Just one meal from a non-chain restaurant would make me very happy.

Next up is Santa Fe, about a nine-hour drive. We're hoping to get in around 3 pm MST and check out a museum and some historic sites. I hear it's a pretty cool little city with a vibrant arts scene, so I'm psyched. Now I just need to rest up so I can enjoy it.


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